on line ikastaroak
You choose
Online courses can be of different kinds in terms of length, aims and contents, and always correspond to the needs of clients (individual students, companies, schools, etc.). All the courses were developed and are taught using the Moodle platform, and their priorities include teamwork, supervision by teachers and practical use of the language.
At AEK you can also learn online
We also have online courses based on the AEK methodology. Our aim is for everybody to learn Basque in all contexts and moments in their life, to get by in everyday tasks, to start talking from day one, to use it in regular relations, to live with loved ones, to enjoy culture, to act in formal contexts, to certify your language level or to perform some function at work.
It's easy
Our courses do not call for any technical skills or requirements out of the ordinary; nor will you have to download or install anything. As they're designed on the Moodle platform, the procedures will seem intuitive, interactive and dynamic; in a word: attractive. Finally, it should be stressed that our courses attach special importance to the following factors: tools to encourage cooperative work and communication, the oral use of the language and the constant use of audiovisual materials.
Online ikastaroak (2024ko uda)
UZTAILETIK IRAILERA Azterketak prestatzeko eta euskara ikasteko ikastaroak (75 ordu), A1, B2, C1 and C2. Noiz hasi: uztailaren 1an
Izena emateko epea: ekainaren 23ra arte. |
IRAILA Azterketak (HABE, IVAP...) prestatzeko ikastaro laburrak (25 ordu). B2, C1 eta C2 mailak. Noiz hasi: irailaren 2an.
Izena emateko epea: uztailaren 21era arte |
Oharra: gerta daiteke ikastaroak lehenago betetzea. Beraz, interesa baduzu, ez utzi azken egunerako.
ATTENTION! We have some problems with some email addresses (hotmail, outlook,...) and you may not receive the confirmation email after registration.
If this is your case, please contact us:
E-mail: e-idazkaritza@aek.eus
Telephone: 688664498
Sorry for the inconvenience.

As the courses are designed by us, they are based on AEK methodology; i.e. our goal is for people who learn with us to learn to use Basque in all contexts and moments in their life, as this is the code of our methodology.

As the courses are designed by us, they are based on AEK methodology; i.e. our goal is for people who learn with us to learn to use Basque in all contexts and moments in their life, as this is the code of our methodology.
Euskara-ikasleentzako dirulaguntzetarako deialdia egingo du HABEk 2021 urtean.
Aurrerago argitara emango den Ebazpenak finkatuko ditu dirulaguntza hauek eskuratu ahal izateko baldintzak, epeak eta jarraibideak.
Halere, aurreratu daiteke deialdi honek arautuko dituen laguntzen onuradun izateko, ondorengo bi baldintza hauek bete beharko direla:
- HABEren Erregistroan euskaltegi edo euskararen autoikaskuntzarako zentro homologatu bezala sailkatutako batean matrikulatuta egotea 2020ko ekainaren 1etik 2021eko irailaren 30era bitarteko epealdian.
- 2020-2021 ikasturtean HABEren mailaren bat edo baliokideren bat egiaztatu izana. HABEren mailak egiaztatzeari dagokienez, 2020-2021 ikasturtean A1 edo A2 edo B1 edo B2 mailaren atalasearen gaineko proba gainditzea euskaltegian edo autoikaskuntzarako zentroan edo B1, B2, C1 edo C2 mailak egiaztatu izana 2020ko deialdietako bigarren azterketaldietan edo 2021eko deialdietako lehen azterketaldietan.
Bestalde, dirulaguntza hauetarako eskabideak egiteko epea 2021eko irail-urri bitartean izango dela aurreikusten da.